Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Secure? Secure.

I'm sure we've all struggled at some point in our lives with feeling safe or secure; I know I have. 

A few months ago, the Detroit Metro region began a campaign to evangelize. I quickly got on board, it was an awesome idea. 2WordStory it was called, and everyone began choosing their own word. Some chose Hope? Hope. because before Jesus, they didn't have hope. When they discovered Jesus, they found the ultimate hope. As for me, I chose Fearless? Fearless. It seemed fitting. I had always been afraid of something and to say with God I am Fearless, it was perfect. Well, I did not get a fearless button however, but was given a Secure? Secure. button. This is where the story truly begins.

I've always known I was secure in Jesus. It's been told to me time and again. I've had Psalm 139 proclaimed over my life since the day I was born. Gradually it's been planted in my heart, but I've struggled with being secure--a lot.

I decided to wear my Secure? Secure. button on one day of ministry. We went on the subway, and it was going great. I saw one girl accept Christ, a number of the other missionaries were having amazing encounters, and yet for me, I kept getting rejected. It was becoming a frustration after the third time someone just looked away from me while smiling awkwardly. I walked over to my small group leader and told her how discouraged I was. 

Within a few seconds, the subway stopped and let a whole new bunch of people on. This woman sat across from me. I barely smiled at her and asked how her day was. She said good, then asked how mine was. Immediately after she inquired about my button. "Uhhh, wait what?!" I told her what it was for, and how I wasn't from NYC but from Detroit. After explaining the button, I told her my story. I then asked her, "So, what's your story." 

She didn't want to into detail, but she began with the past few days. She had to take a certain class for her profession, but she didn't have the money to. Needless to say, one thing after another and things kept falling through, friends disappointed her, but somehow it all was being taken care of. The money came through for the class, and she was just returning from it. But during, she didn't have money for lunch and didn't even think to bring some. Like a smile from God saying it'd be okay, she found three dollars in her jacket randomly.

When she shared with me, her words encouraged me so much. She loved Jesus, but wanted to grow more and felt like she was at a stand still. Before I left, I felt like I should give her my button. Which I did. "Remember, that you're always secure in Jesus. It doesn't matter where you are or what happens. Now go tell your story." Forever will I have that image burned in my head. Before it was just a button which reminded me, now it's a picture in my heart that can never go away. Through this, I know something was sealed in me--I am SECURE in Jesus. I will struggle from time to time, but I'm human. The important thing to remember is His word, and to never, ever look to any thing else for my security. Are you secure?

Romans 10:8-11
But what does it say? "The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is the word of faith we are proclaiming: 

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 

As Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Best For Last

Here's my take on one of my favorite love songs. I'm a big supporter of purity and waiting for that special someone, but how do you keep a healthy balance during those years before you meet the one? It's obviously not a good idea to become a hermit and avoid talking to other people, but it's also not a good idea to flamboyantly give your heart to any random stranger who may take notice. I recall several months ago telling my youth pastor's wife that "There's no good guys out there! And why would anyone want me?" She lovingly assured me that they'd soon be dropping like flies; I didn't quite understand what she meant, nor did I believe her. Only recently have I begun to understand. The first guy that comes along may be the one, yet he also may not. 

First thing I'm learning is to guard my heart. It is so hard to do! Especially when your emotions want something other than what you know is truth. Then one day God showed me something--I was in a room full of my peers, and there were a few guys there, and each of them had a passion for God. I could pick qualities from every one of them and say, "Yep, he's a good guy." Here comes my new saying when girls say how cute a guy is: "There's a million out there as cute as him." Yes, there are unique attributes in each person out there, yet not every guy is the one. It gives me peace, cause I know that when he comes along, it'll be God orchestrating it, not me. 

When I try to make something happen, it's definitely not glorifying to Him. But what happens when the door seems to be opening? I'm learning that He does send little red flags, and if I pay attention to them (no matter how much I don't want to), I'm saving myself from a heartache. It doesn't matter how good the guy is, if God has not meant for the two to be together, it's not going to be a great experience.
One thing a friend mentioned to me how good it is to have "brothers in Christ", to know other guys as believers. There are no ties, and you see what qualities you want and don't want. Also what I do, not exactly like clock-work frequency, but I write to my future husband. It especially helps when I am struggling to keep my heart pure, it keeps me in-check--to patiently wait. What do you write, you may wonder. Honestly, I write whatever is on my mind. If I miss him, I say that. I tell him what God is doing in my life, or how my day went whether it was bad or good. I also encourage him and pray for him in the letter. 

Now about the song, Save The Last Dance For Me sung by Michael Buble.
I love the lyrics in this song. It reminds me to save the best for the one.  

"Oh I know that the music's fine like sparkling wine, go and have your fun, laugh and sing.
But while we're apart don't give your heart to anyone.
Don't forget who's taking you home and in whose arms your gonna be, so darling, save the last dance 
for me."  

Maybe it's my corny self, but I love this song! Another good one is Haven't Met You Yet Just as awesome, if not better. Have a fantastic night people.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Finding The Silver Lining

Yay, I'm actually making a third post. The past few weeks there has been a lot of changes going on in my life: I've decided what to major in, I'm realizing my nitch, changing jobs, and God is teaching me time management. Change is extremely difficult for me, being that I like to use Tony Shaloub's saying in Monk: "I like change, I just don't like being there when it's taking place." Yes, I am that person who doesn't want to rock the boat. I'd actually prefer a set routine, that rarely changes. Although I love to be spontaneous when it comes to food and certain situations, I still like to have a system. It can be a good thing, but when change does arise, I am learning to trust Him and not worry.

About three weeks ago I realized that I needed to find a new job. I loved my coworkers, but I felt too comfortable there, and I want to grow, not just stay where I'm at. So, I gave my two week's notice without getting a new job first--yeah, kinda irresponsible, but keep reading. The very next day I went into my favorite Starbucks that is in a Target. While getting my drink, the employee there asked if I was still looking for a job. "Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly, this has been my dream job since I was 16. The very next day I applied. Rumors spread throughout the place that I applied, so the employees put the good word in for me to get the job. But I couldn't bank on just a "maybe", so I continued my job search....

About a week later I had an interview with Tim Hortons, and I got the job! Definitely not what I wanted and it was further away, but thankfully something opened up. I was supposed to start last Monday, however, I received a call from the Starbucks, "We want an interview!" They said. I was centimeters from my dream job as a barista, oh so very close. I went through the interview, I got a job offer to pay .50 more than Subway did, plus it's five minutes from my house, and there are a few Christians working there. I haven't started yet, I have orientation on Friday. 

I'm excited, but it leaves me at this place: I don't have a lot of money. Which actually at this time, it is a good thing, in an odd way. I had wanted to take this weekend and hopefully go on my first road trip with my brother to the west side of Michigan to visit my grandma. It wasn't set in stone, but I just feel like I need some time away, preferably in the middle of nowhere up-north. But there's no way I couldn't done that with my budget at the moment and the missions trip coming up. So, for that reason I didn't go. On the flip side, I took my two little brothers to Sonic today after church for lunch, and my car decided not to drive well for me. I am not sure what's going on, and while I almost want to be irritated that I don't have enough money in my bank, haven't started my job, and have other things I must do this week which require a car--it could be much worse. How? Imagine this: Me and my brother head up-north, and in Lansing (or somewhere), my car decided not to work. How terrible would that be to be stranded out that way! I'd rather be stranded at 19 & Hayes, a few miles from my house, rather than in Lansing which is a couple hours from my house. Just a thought of mine. How interesting though I just got done telling someone how you need to look for the little blessings God sends your way. Whether I believe it or not, feel it or not, know it or not, I'm thankful that I didn't go up north, that I didn't have enough money in my bank, and that I have to rely on God. Ahhhhhhh, I wish a snap of a finger could make me understand everything, but He knows what He's doing, I don't. 

Anyway, have a lovely night and happy Memorial Day.
May we remember (and pray for) all of the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives, their will, their time for this country. Unashamedly: God bless America.

Psalm 62:10 Do not trust in extortion or take pride in stolen goods; though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Upcoming Trip and Thought Rambling

In about 41 days I will be heading to New York City for a missions trip. I'm super excited and nervous for this trip. God is going to do some amazing things! Be praying the funds come in, which if He calls me there, He'll make a way, even when it doesn't look possible. 

While I really don't have much to say at the moment, I just want to put this in here. Last night I went to a college group, and the speaker talked about hunger--what are you hungry for? What are you filling that hunger with? And I do find myself filling it with other things: food, friends, work, business, approval, ministry--while all those things can be good, to ultimately look for my meaning in those isn't good. "Why look for your meaning in something as flimsy as a shirt, which will not make it through the fire?" One thing that grabbed my attention was this: Don't expect to have epic revelations while listening to 95.5, while yes that is on my car preset, am I really filling my mind with lasting hope? Or is it ultimately bringing me down and causing more harm than good? 

While I may not feel YOU all the time, I trust YOU.

Proverbs 19:27 "Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What it's all about, in case you were wondering.

Let's not even get into the mushy gushy stuff about how this is my first post. But it is. So I can't help myself but to talk about what this blog will be for. Firstly: in a real talk way, express my love for my Jesus; which includes the life I live, how it's lived, and who it's lived for. 

I'm just an average girl, but I don't want to stay average. To stay average would be to live like everyone else, to be okay with the mundane in life...but who wants that? I'm not going to dress like a clown with a bullhorn and proclaim the Gospel on the streets, although that would be interesting. In fact, I want to share the Gospel rather in life's actions, thoughts, relationships, family, work, school, and wherever else I may be entangled. However, it would be so easy to get "too comfortable" with my Christian life. We are called to spread the Good News. And while to many it may seem too radical to go on mission trips, give up TV, or go to a grocery store with the intent to tell someone about His love, it is what we are called to. Now, the action may appear different in each person's life, but it shouldn't stop anyone from being radical--all for the Cause. 

What is "The Cause" anyway? I'm currently reading this book by Hannah Farver called "uncompromising", which is extremely powerful. In this book, she is unraveling all of the things we get caught up in--whether it be praise, beauty, relationships, etc...I'm only on the fifth chapter! But "The Cause" is Jesus Christ. We need to make Him our ultimate Cause, and stop chasing the small "c" causes, that distract us, leave us brokenhearted, and steal our hope and joy. Why not follow Him? Why not give Him our all? Well, I at least am stubborn and I like to control things. It is very difficult to give Him everything, but more and more I'm finding it to be the best thing ever happening to me in my life. There's nothing like it in the whole world. It may not make sense, but He gives the grace and courage to do His will. 

The second reason I'm starting this blog is because I want to major in journalism, and this might be a great way to start and see if I even like it. Excuse my grammar on occasion, I'm still getting the hang of it. My mom's the editor, I just love to write crazy stories and thought provoking pieces. Hopefully this blog will contain both of those elements, and as well, you'd see me as a real person--who is flawed--but finds her worth in Jesus Christ alone, even when everything else tugs at her.

 Yeah, I may have overdone all that, but oh well. I hope you enjoyed my rambling and I'll be back!

Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." (NIV)